Journey Towards Success
Gypsum plastering is an environmental friendly alternative to traditional sand-cement application for internal plastering surfaces. Gypsum plastering is also a faster application method for internal surfaces, since it does not require time consuming water curing process.

Gypmart Moulding Plaster is suitable for making high-quality cornices, designs for ceilings and walls. It provides mixing, application and a durable finish that resists paint absorption. Gypmart Moulding Plaster can also be used for mold making, casting sculpted figures, and hobby and craft applications.
Technical Details of Moulding Plaster (Lime)

This gives extra coverage, and an exciting white finish. It is economical in usage, is fire-resistant and as with all our plasters there is no curing required.
Technical Details of Vermiclide One Coat (Prime)

More coverage and superb white finish. It is economical in usage, easy to apply, is fire-resistant, doesn’t require curing and is energy saving too. Not to mention being thermally insulating.
Technical Details of Paralite One Coat (Supreme)

- Smooth
- Easy to apply and with a high quality finish that is ready for any paint.
- With no curing required.
- It’s also energy saving.
- Thermally insulating.
- Economical.
- Fire resistant.
Technical Details of Wall Plaster

MGPL Multi-use Jointing Compound is a ready-mix calcium carbonate-based joint filler with vinyl binders and high-value additives which provides superior performance compared to ordinary ready-mixed products.
- Easy Handling, Crack Resistance and superior adhesion that ensures tight bonding.
- Joint finishing is fast, easy, and smooth, reducing work efforts and improving appearance and quality of the job.
- Easy filling, Fast drying, Easy to sand.
- Creamy and smooth consistency.
- Ready to be used directly from the bucket.
Applications Joints, Fasteners, trims and concealment of drywall partition & ceiling systems.
Standards Our Jointing compound comply to ASTM C475 Standard Specification for Joint Compound for finishing gypsum board.
Technical Details of Joining Compound

A unique product developed with technical support from a leading German chemical company that serves as an excellent bond on the fair face background and internal gypsum or any other plaster-based wall & ceiling. Its mix of polymers, granular fillers, and thus additives improves its bonding properties.
Features and benefits
- Excellent cohesive bond to RCC, concrete and other surfaces.
- Ideal for fair face construction substrate.
- Moisture tolerant.
- Can be used in temperatures from 50 to 450C.
- Better bonding due to coarse particles.
- Due to colour in the ‘Gypmart Gypbond’, the area can be demarcated.
- Higher coverage.
- Available in 10 & 20 kg packing.
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