Operational Contract
Welcome to Gyp Techno Solution

Operation Contract

Option A

Gyp Techno can operate plant by providing engineers on below department :

  • Production
  • Qualities
  • PLC Programming
  • Mechamical
  • Electrical


Option B

Gyp Techno can operate plant by providing operators & engineers on below department :

  • Production
  • Qualities
  • PLC Programming
  • Mechamical
  • Electrical


operational period

Operational Period

The Minimum Operational Period is 2 Years

scopes of works

Scopes Of Works

Except man power remaining all provided bythe Client's bottom area's are

  • Gyp Techno Solution will provide all man power.
  • Raw material utilities, accommodation & transportation are from client side.

Outcomes from Us

You will get outcomes from us is mentioned below :

  • Machine Yield is 90%
  • Salable Yield is 90% to 95%