About Agricultural Gypsum
The use of gypsum ( Calcium Sulphate Dehydrate) by farmers for centuries has received renewed attention in recent years. This resurgence is due in large part to ongoing research and practical insights from leading experts that highlight the many benefits of gypsum. More than 200 attendees heard from industry representatives, scientists, consultants and growers on the use of gypsum to improve soil structure, reduce nutrient
run off and more.
Major Benefits of Gypsum
Here are five key (and overlapping) benefits of gypsum highlighted:
Source of calcium and sulphur for plant nutrition.
“Gypsum is an excellent source of sulphur for plant nutrition and improving crop yield.”
Improves acid soils and treats aluminium toxicity.
“Surface-applied gypsum leaches down to the subsoil and results in increased root growth,”
Improves soil structure.
“Gypsum has been used for many years to improve
aggregation and inhibit or overcome dispersion in
Improves water infiltration.
“When we apply gypsum to soil it allows water to move into the soil and allow the crop to grow well,” he said. Helps reduce runoff and erosion.
Helps reduce runoff and erosion.
“Gypsum should be considered as the Best Management Practice for reducing soluble P losses,”

About Natural Gypsum
The mineral Gypsum precipitated some 100 to 200 million years ago when sea water evaporated. From a chemical point of view it is Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate (CaSO04.2H20) deposited in sedimentary layers on the sea bed. Under high pressure and temperature Gypsum turns into Anhydrite (CaS04).
In nature, Gypsum and Anhydrite occur as beds or nodular masses up to a few meters thick. Gypsum is formed by the hydration of Anhydrite. The depth of hydration can range from the surface of the deposit down to three hundred meters, depending on temperature and pressure, topography and the structure of the deposit. Anhydrite is often mined in conjunction with Gypsum, but is comparatively limited in its technical applications. The content of Gypsum in sedimentary rock varies from 75% to 95%, the rest being clay and chalk. Gypsum rock contains about 21% of chemically combined water.
Uses of Natural Gypsum
- Gypsum Wall board manufacturing
- Plasters
- Value added Plasters
- Ceiling tiles
- Cement industry
We supply gypsum rock in below sizes.10-50 mm / 50- 100 mm / 100 -150 mm

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